acupuncture Relaxation Mat
acupuncture Relaxation Mat
Relax On The Bed Of Nails!
The health and wellness mat is Most commonly used to support deep sleep, increase in blood circulation, relaxation of tense muscles, relief from stress, relaxation, and general vitality. This was initially created 7000 years ago from traditional Indian culture.
Easy To Use & Versatile: Using the ancient wisdom of India this mat was made for the purpose of deep sleep, watching tv or even used as a yoga mat.
Utilize The Benefits: These 8000 strategically placed spiked points will stimulate endorphin production to elevate mood and help with depression. Helps with chronic pain and cervical spine problems.
How It Works: Simply lay it down flat and use for 10-30 mins daily, Skin contact is best, but experiment with a light t-shirt or towel, until you find what is right for you.
All in one: This product is easy to use, portable and washable with an enhanced PVCu fabric.
Experience the healing Capabilities: each spike-like node puts pinpointed pressure on your back, neck and head to stimulates blood flow throughout the body, melting away aches, pains and soreness.
Disclaimer: This product may hurt a little to start with as it takes some getting used to but this shows it's working and doing its job!